Country Overview
Official languages:
Epidemic risk:
24.3 million*
English and French
Epidemics are frequent. The five years before the start of the TDDA programme saw epidemics of cholera, bacterial meningitis, influenza, measles, yellow fever and poliomyelitis.
Cameroon’s health security development falls in the middle of our focus countries’ range. It shares borders with fellow TDDA country Chad, as well as Nigeria, CAR, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and the Republic of the Congo.
* National annual projection, Jul 2019

Meet our Country Coordinator
Dr Yannick Kamga joined TDDA in August 2021 and brings invaluable experience to our programme.
He most recently worked as Chief of Operations for Cameroon’s COVID-19 Incident Management System. Previous positions include TEPHINET-CDC Atlanta consultant on Events-Based Surveillance for West and Central Africa, and a number of roles within Cameroon’s Ministry of Public Health, including acting Head of the Epidemics and Pandemics Control Service.
Dr Kamga’s expertise encompasses public health emergency management, event-based surveillance, risk assessment, and disease prevention and control.
In addition to a Medical Doctorate, he holds certificates in Public Health Emergencies Management (CDC Atlanta) and in Advanced Studies in Medical Informatics (University of Geneva), plus a Diploma in Specialized Studies in Public Health – Epidemiology, from the University of Yaoundé I.

TDDA’s work in Cameroon is delivered by Centre Pasteur du Cameroun, in partnership with
the Ministry of Public Health and the Fondation Mérieux USA
Contact Us
Dr. Yannick Narcisse Kamga