Country Overview
Official languages:
Epidemic risk:
16.8 million*
Arabic and French
Chad is the world’s third most vulnerable country to infectious diseases**. It has experienced regular outbreaks of meningitis, measles, cholera, hepatitis E and yellow fever over the last 15 years.
Work to establish health security platforms and processes is at an early stage. Chad shares borders with Cameroon, also in our programme, as well as Nigeria, Niger, CAR, Libya and Sudan.
* National annual projection, Jul 2021
**INFORM Index ranking

Meet our Country Coordinator
Dr. Dabsou Guidaoussou provides technical expertise and coordinates our vital work on the ground in Chad. He is a Chad national who has served as a consultant on several national epidemic disease and surveillance studies. These include three assessments of emergency obstetric and neonatal care needs, evaluations of programs and projects, and the determination of alert thresholds and malaria epidemics in the Sahelian region of Chad, as well as the development of multiple national strategic program plans.
Deeply connected to key stakeholders in the country for nearly a decade, Dabsou has worked with a range of multilateral donors including the World Health Organisation, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), UNICEF, UNAIDS, Expertise-France, Gavi, and the Global Fund, conducting evaluations and assessments of national health sector capacity in Chad. He previously served as the Director of Statistics and Health Information for the Chadian Government’s Ministry of Public Health.
Dabsou’s network of strategic relationships is highly valuable as we work to coordinate with government ministries and civil society organisations in Chad, to bring a sharp focus on shared goals for health security.

Contact Us
Dr. Dabsou Guidaoussou