Country Overview
Official language:
Health risk:
20.8 million*
The main causes of mortality in Mali are malaria, lower respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, meningitis, HIV and tuberculosis.
Health insecurity in Mali is a recognised challenge. A national health plan is in the relatively early stages of development and our targeted support may help to unlock other donor funding. Mali shares borders with seven countries, including Côte d’Ivoire, also involved in the TDDA programme.
* UN projection, Jul 2021

Meet our Country Coordinator
Dr. Souleymane Diarra is a public health expert who joined the TDDA programme in 2020 as country coordinator for Mali. He brings a wealth of expertise covering fields including epidemiology and management of public health emergencies.
Before joining TDDA,Souleymane taught at the Faculty of Medicine and Odontostomatology in Bamako.Prior to this, he held the position of technical coordinator of the Action Program for the Global Health Security Agenda in Mali (GHSA) and of the One Health National Platform. In this role amongst other responsibilities he fostered exchange and collaboration between a wide range of stakeholders, from civil society to government and international organisations in support of IHR adherence in Mali.
Souleymane has also worked as a consultant within civil society organisations partnering with the Malian health ministry to reinforce the health system. He brings with him a strong network of health security stakeholders both nationally and at the regional level.

TDDA’s work in Mali is delivered by Fondation Mérieux, in partnership with Mali’s Ministry of Health
and the Fondation Mérieux USA
Contact Us
Dr. Souleymane S. Diarra, MD, MPH