TDDA materials supporting a whole-of-society approach to health security.
Health security strengthening needs a “whole of society” approach. To keep more people safe, community participation is essential, particularly in countries with limited resources.
TDDA’s pioneering capacity-building initiative was designed to unlock the potential of civil society organizations (CSOs) to support government health security efforts.
We worked with ministries of health to train CSOs, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to support COVID vaccination programmes, as well preparing them for a wider role in health security for the longer term.
Across our five host countries we built the capacities of over 200 staff from more than 110 CSOs. Their participation is already helping to ensure health security interventions represent and serve the needs of even the most vulnerable and most marginalized people in society.
TDDA’s CSO capacity-building toolkit includes training modules, agendas, facilitator guides, presentation templates and other resources (in English and French). Topics include:
Overview of Health Security
Roles and responsibilities of CSOs
CSOs roles in Health Security
Health Equity and identifying at-risk populations
Addressing misinformation and vaccine hesitancy
Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE)
RCCE planning
Roles for CSOs re COVID-19
Role of communities in RCCE
Interpersonal communication
RCCE strategy
If you would like more information about TDDA's collection of CSO capacity-building tools, please contact Dr. Charlotte Laurence, DAI Global Health Project Director.
To find out more about this area of our work, read our detailed case study or watch our documentary about the growing partnership between CSOs and the government in Chad. Watch here