UK Govt’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (TDDA’s funder), plus senior leadership team, witness work on the ground

A TDDA/FCDO delegation travelled around Uganda in Feb 2022, to see first-hand the work being done on the ground to strengthen health security. The visiting team included Rishma Maini, the programme’s senior project owner at FCDO in the UK, as well as Uganda-based FCDO staff.
Emphasising our commitment to working through local partnerships - with Government representatives, civil society organizations (CSOs) and others - the mission included meetings with key stakeholders in country. Highlights included:
Visit to the city of Soroti in eastern Uganda, to meet the district health leaders, and City Health Officer and staff. There we were briefed on the progress of Community-Based Disease Surveillance training for village health teams, which TDDA is supporting.
The TDDA/FCDO team also saw community advocacy and health security work being undertaken in the district by Transparency International Uganda (TIU).
Visit to the Regional Emergency Operations Centre, Mbale.
We also met with:
Ministry of Health’s Director General.
Coordinator of the National One Health Platform, being supported by TDDA to better coordinate multi-sector responses to health threats.
National Public Health Emergency Operational Centre Director and team.
African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) and the Infectious Disease Institute (IDI), two of our delivery partners in Uganda, with whom we work closely.
The mission was organized and hosted by Dr.Winyi Kaboyo, TDDA’s country coordinator for Uganda.